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The Restoration Industry Must Automate and Adapt to Combat Labor Shortages

Phoenix DryLINK Ecosystem

In the last two years, almost every business has had to pivot. Agility was critical to doing more with less, closing productivity gaps and working lean. To offset the shortage of workers, companies are looking at new ways to increase productivity and automate certain tasks.

Labor Shortages Call for New Approaches.

By 2025, three-fourths of the workforce will be millennials (born after 1980), who at the earliest had computers in college and at the latest had smartphones in middle school. These employees will choose companies that use smartphones, tablets, and computers for time tracking, scheduling, and automated drying reports over companies that have decided to cater to the workforce that will be retired within the next ten years.

Save Time. Do More with Technology.

To stay competitive, you need a more productive workforce and that’s where Phoenix Restoration Equipment can help those in the restoration industry. The Phoenix DryLINK Ecosystem is full of technology designed to make it easier to manage your drying jobs and collaborate with your team.  Just install the DryLINK app on your employee’s phones and you can use DryLINK while on the job site.  They will be able to take readings from smart equipment instantly.  Better yet, add a DryPHONE and you can manage jobs, receive alerts, and take readings remotely. 

We know technology alone might not solve the labor shortage, but by leveraging it to its full advantage, the restoration industry can work more efficiently today, as well as attract the next generation restoration workforce to meet the growth opportunities of tomorrow.